Simple Tea Ritual


White Rose Tea


A simple wiccan Tea ceremony to honor a deity and ask for protection and peace.

Spell Casting

This is a wiccan tea ritual for protection and peace. I reccomend using white rose tea. For this ritual,I used a cup shaped of my spitit animal and drank with it's eyes facing outward. Every time you take a sip, raise the cup above your head to motion Gaia to drink with you.
You may change the deity to suit your needs.
OPT: you can add honey to lighten the color of the tea, making it golden.

I drink this tea
of gaias blood
I drink this tea
Of Gaias soul
I drink this tea
For the earths love
I drink this tea
For love and trust
I drink this tea
For wisdom to all

The rede shall fufill
An it harm none do as thy will
And wiccan power shall live
gentle life and freewill

When the cup is empty, state this, much like in the beginning:

I Drank this tea
of gaias blood
I drank this tea
Of Gaias soul
I drank this tea
For the earths love
I drank this tea
For love and trust
I drank this tea
For wisdom to all

The rede shall fufill
An it harm none do as thy will
And wiccan power shall live
gentle life and freewill
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