Simple Guide To The Basics




For those who are new to practicing magic.

Spell Casting

The basics are the following:

1. Meditation

2. Visualization

3. Energy Manipulation -involves grounding/centering, energy flow and control, shielding and circle casting.

4. Correspondences -refers to elements, days, colors, tools, moon phases, etc.

As you mature and gain more experience, these things will become second nature. Although you may not necessarily use every single one, they are important and good to know because they are like stepping stones towards more serious practice. It usually takes at least a year or so to master all of them. Don't be disapointed or discouraged if it takes longer. If really want to learn this, then practice!

For more detailed information, you can research online.

Good luck and Blessed be!
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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