Casting Pentacle Wards


Sage Smudge Stick.
Sandalwood Incense(one for every room)
Ceremonial Robes(optional)


Protect your home with the power of the pentacle.

Spell Casting

Start by meditating for at least an hour or so. You need to empty your mind of all your negative thoughts and feelings. Place a stick of sandalwood incense in each room of your home. Pray to your deity or who/whatever you worship. Pray for protection of your home and family. Light your smudge stick and start by tracing a pentacle in the air in each room's windows and doors. Start at the lower left-hand part of the pentacle and imagine a dome forming over of your home. This spell needs to be redone every month because the wards will lose power over time. Finish by thanking who/whatever you prayed to.
Magic spells for everyone, anytime, any occasion.

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