Protection Potion


A yellow candle or stove.
A bowl,pot,etc
You can use a white candle too.


This intense/potion is sure to protect you for up to three days.It will bring peace and comfort to ones mind.

Spell Casting

 Stove & Water
1.Take a bowl and fill it with water.
2.Boil the water to the point were you see steam.
3.Put the vervain in the bowl and let the juice of the vervain cpme out of it.
4.Let it cook for about thirty minutes.
5.When its done feel free to move the smoke thoughout the home or the areas that need protection in.
6.With the vervain juice left,you can poor it around your house as a protection potion.


 Yellow Candle
1.Take the yellow candle and light it.
2.Put the vervain in.
3.Let the wax of the candle turn into a liquid and let the juice of the vervain mix in.
4.Put the liquid in a bowl and cover it quickly with a lid that has a small hole/opening at the were smoke can come out.
Then your done.The intence should last about three days,but will loose its smell.

Bless be-grg
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