Janet and Stewart Farrar ~ A Short Biography

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Janet(b. 1950) and Stewart(b. 1916, d. 2000) Farrar are household names in the Wiccan community due to their combined works. Some of their most popular works are classified as "staples" to witchcraft as a whole, a high honor that accompanies other influential authors in Wicca and witchcraft like Raymond Buckland, Scott Cunningham, and more.


Stewart was initiated into Alexandrian Wicca in 1970. Shortly after, he authored what is credited to be one of the earliest books for Alexandrian Wicca, What Witches Do(1971). Janet was initiated in the same year, and they got to know each other almost immediately. They were elevated to the second and third degrees together, in 1970 and 1971 respectively. Stewart has said that both ceremonies were documented in overwhelming detail in his journal. Shortly after being elevated to the third degree, in 1972, they were handfasted, and legally married in 1975.


In 1981, Janet published her first two works, Eight Sabbats of Witches and The Witche's Bible - Vol. 1+2. In 1984, The Witches' Way was published. A two-part series, The Witches' Goddess and The Witches' God, were published in 1987 and 1989 respectively. In 1990, Spells and How they Work was released. In 1996, The Witches' Bible was updated to include Eight Sabbats and Witches' Way as well. All of these books were co-authored by Stewart.


Sadly, after a brief illness, Stewart Farrar passed away in 2000, at age 83. In 2001, Janet handfasted with a man named Gavin Bone, who was in a polyfidelitous relationship with Stewart and Janet since 1993. They legally married in 2014, and have published a few works together since.

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