Satanic Wicca

This article was added by Spell Casters

This article summarizes the beliefs and practices of Satanic Wicca, a modern crossover religion amalgamating elements from both Satanism and Wicca with emphasis on strengthening one's connection to both personal and collective divinity.

Satanic Wicca

Satanic Wicca is a modern Pagan inspired Earth-based spirituality. It draws much of its beliefs and ritual from two distinct religions: Wicca and Theistic Satanism.  In this tradition, Satan is understood to be a Pagan fertility God who predates Judaism and Christianity.  Satanic Wiccans believe the bible is inaccurate, inconsistent with itself, and unfairly disparages Satan in the interests the Christian Church.  They do not believe in the "Christian devil," but do believe Satan to be much more than Christians credit him for. In the same vein as traditional Wicca, Satanic Wicca honors feminine divinity as an equal counterpart to Satan as the Goddess Lilith, whose image has likewise been distorted by the Abrahamic religions.

Readers should note that this is a hybrid religion, distinct from its two parent religions.  Many Wiccans will tell you "Wiccans don't believe in or worship Satan."  This is likely true for their tradition, however Satanic Wicca differs from British traditional or Gardnerian Wicca in many ways and is an eclectic path. Gardnerians do not identify their god with Satan, though they are equally valid faces of Divinity.   Similarly, there are a number of beliefs and practices in this religion inconsistent with Theistic Satanism.

Some might criticize this path, saying Satanic Wiccans worship an "evil demon."  Both the words "evil" and "demon" are relative in their meaning and vary by culture and personal opinion.  An act may be good in one culture and evil an another, similarly with Spirits, one person's God is another person's demon.  Most spirits do not exist for the purpose of tempting and causing grief for humans.  Satan was prayed to and honored by pagans under various names before the power hungry Christian church made him the Adversary of their faith.  Historians have shown us how kings and church leaders have changed the bible to fit their agendas throughout the centuries.  Satan is the original Horned God of the European witch cults Margaret Murray wrote about, who sees over the cycle of life, death, and resurrection. 

Satan is a fertility God, and his horns are phallic sex symbols. It is no surprise that the Christian Church to this day fights a war against sex by preaching that abstinence is a virtue, virginity is purity, and sex is sin.   Satanic Wicca is not a path of self denial, and does not shame followers for enjoying sex outside of marriage or being in a same sex relationship.  Satan is secondly an Adversary; not in the Christian sense, but as a God who brings change.  He compels us to think for ourselves, to question dogma, and depose tyrannical authority figures.  A Satanic Wiccan should think critically and evaluate what they are told rather than believe, including what is written here because.

The New Age movement has reduced the concept of a Wiccan Goddess into a female substitute for the "all loving" Abrahamic God.  Without the knowledge of the secret deity names used by Gardnerians, they claim to work with a generic "Triple Goddess," often plugging in three deity names for the roles of maiden, mother, and crone.  Satanic Wicca offers seekers a more personal relationship with feminine divinity through Lilith.  A lot has been said about her historical origin.  In a Jewish medieval text called Alphabetum Siracidis, she is said to be Adam's first wife in the biblical creation story. In this storyIn this path, her role is a nurturing goddess of creation who gives birth to Satan each year on winter solstice.

While many preach about a threefold law bouncing anything you send out back times three, Satanic Wiccans do not. However, our do affect our mind, body and spirit such that hurting others is often hurting ourselves indirectly.

While countless people throughout the world are praying for forgiveness and going to confession, Satanic Wiccans enjoy freedom that so many lack. Followers are free to work with other Gods besides Satan and Lilith.  Imposing social order and justice is not the goal of this path, though it may be desirable if working in groups. The Wiccan rede tells us "An it harm none, do what ye will." This does not tell us what we cannot do if it harms someone, so seekers must use their best judgment when contemplating a course of action adverse to the freedom and wellbeing of another.

Like many Wiccans and other kinds of Pagans, Satanic Wiccans hold rituals at times throughout the year depending on the natural cycles of the earth and moon.  While rituals can be performed without tools, ideally, an altar is placed in a circle facing east outlined in cord.  The elemental tools on the altar are an athame or knife to symbolize air, a wand for fire, a cup for water, and a pentacle for earth.  Other tools might include a cauldron or censer with incense, oils, crystals, herbs, talismans, a bell, and a Tarot deck. Votive decorations such as a pair of candles or statuettes of Satan and Lilith are placed next to each other at the center of the altar as a way of welcoming Deity into the circle.

Followers celebrate 12 to 13 esbats on the night of full moons and 8 sabbats on the equinoxes, solstices, and cross-quarter days in between them.  Because magic is influenced by the cycles of nature, the main purpose of esbat rituals is determined by the zodiac sign the moon falls under for that month.  For example, during a full moon in Taurus it would make sense to perform magic to promote prosperity and creativity for all members of the group.  These rites draw from the feminine or lunar energy of the universe, so Lilith tends to play a central role.  The Wheel of the Year consists of 8 festivals: at the start of each season, and in the middle of each. These days are to celebrate the cycle of earth and sun, with a focus on masculine energy and the horned god Satan. Depending on the rite, different candles, incense, and decorations are used. 

Celebrants may start with a small meal to help ground and reflect on the purpose of the ritual.  The High Priestess greets each coven member and anoints them with scented oil. Then the protective circle is visualized and closed as members walk counterclockwise around the altar. This is followed by a guided meditation on the theme of the ritual while the Priest or Priestess lights the incense.  The four elements are summoned as members face the four directions and the appropriate tools are held in the air.  The High Priestess then summons Satan or Lilith, offering words of praise.  Coveners raise energy in a number of ways including dancing in a circle, humming, or intoning a group mantra. This energy is visualized as a cone covering the circle.  Spell work and spirit communication are performed at this time. The Gods then the elements are respectfully dismissed and the circle is uncast by walking clockwise, releasing the cone of energy.


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