Articles of Magic: Candle Meanings

This article was added by Spell Casters

Each candle has a meaning. Each one promotes something.

Black Candle: The black candle is used for grounding negative Energies and is also used for protection.

Blue Candle: This candle represents the arts of Healing, Truth, Inspiration, High Wisdom, Occult Power, Psychic Protection, Understanding, and Good Health. This is the color for the Feminine Principle in Nature.

Brown Candle: The brown candle is used to feel self-esteem.

Copper Candle: This candle stands for financial goals, business, career strategy and professional growth.

Dark Green Candle: This candle represents the color of ambition, jealousy, and even greed. It counteracts these influences in a ritual. 

Emerald Green Candle: This candle stands for the attraction of love, social delights and fertility.

Gold Candle: This candle attracts Positive Influences, and it's connected with Justice and Career Matters.

Green Candle: This candle represents abundance, fertility, good luck, and harmony.

Grey Candle: This candle is a neutral color. This is useful to your pondering complex issues during meditation. In magic this often sparks confusion, it also negates or neutralizes a negative influence.

 Indigo Candle: This represents color of inertia, stops situations or people. Use in rituals that must use a deep meditation state.

Lavender Candle: This candle represents intuition, dignity, and spiritual shields.

Light Blue Candle: This stands for spiritual color, helpful in devotional or inspirational meditations. It brings peace and tranquility to the home, employ where a situation must be synthesized.

Magenta Candle: The candle that energizes the rituals where immediate action with high level of power or spiritual healing is needed very quickly. This candle stands for quick changes, exorcism, and spiritual healing.

Orange Candle: This candle represents attraction, stimulation, control, personal strength, authority, luck, ambition, and property deals.

Pink Candle: This candle stands for romantic love, affection and friendship. 

Purple Candle: This candle stands for success in financial affairs, psychic ability, idealism, and spiritual powers. 

Red Candle: This candle stands for health, energy strength, sexual virility, and courage. This is the color for the Masculine Principle in Nature.

Royal Blue Candle: This candle represents and promotes laughter, happiness and loyalty. This is used whenever an influence needs to be increased. 

Silver Candle: The silver candle stands for clairvoyance (magic of seeing into the future), astral energies and channeling. This is also the candle for the faculty of long-term memory and remembering past lives. 

White Candle: This candle mainly stands for purity, peace, and spirituality. This candle stands for death and mourning in some cultures.

Yellow Candle: This candle stands for many things. It stands for The Powers of the Creative Imagination, memory, communication, and mental agility.

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