Aura Colors

This article was added by The Legion of Light and Dark

A great deal of information on many shades of auras. ***Courtesy of Sarafiel***


I haven't seen many people with black in their aura. Usually, when someone has a trace of black it blends in with one of their other colors, creating a darker color and not actually black.

Black is the color of emptiness. There are several different ways that emptiness can express itself, but people with black auras always find themselves suffering from deep, unexplainable depression. They usually fill their free time with some kind of entertainment, you won't find black aura people enjoying quiet peaceful alone time. If they spend time by themselves, it's almost always with some hobby or activity to keep their mind occupied. Usually, when a black aura spends a lot of time alone in quiet meditation, it's because they have been overcome by a sense of hopelessness and find it difficult to do anything at all. Black auras are tortured souls.

Black is another warning color. Anyone with black in their aura should be very carefully watched. It means they have a dark soul. What they do with it varies, I've met some very good people who have black in their aura. However, they have a strong tendency toward darkness and a certain coldness of spirit.

Types of black:




Rose is any of the pink colors that can't be called red or purple or orange. Rose varies from very deep to very pale. I will, as usual, be discussing all the shades I have seen in as much detail as I can. Rose is the color of charisma. It is difficult to quantify what this color represents in a person. The only consistency is that anyone with any rose in their aura will be very likable and charismatic. Usually, these people will (whether they know it or not) have an easy time making friends.

Rose is neither a warning color nor a safe color. Paired with other safe colors this person will be a fun person to be around, always the life of the party. Paired with warning colors, watch out! A person with a lot of red, orange and rose in their aura will get away with just about ANYTHING because of people like them so much. My ex-husband was like this, he abused me for years then told all my friends that I was delusional. Despite the fact that I had visible injuries from him they still believed him and most of them aren't friends with me anymore because they hate me for badmouthing him. Rose can be an incredibly dangerous color in the wrong combination. Be careful with this color, large quantities of it can actually mask both red and orange.

Types of rose:


*Rose is a fairly rare color and all of the subdivisions are also rare.




Green is the color of love. True love of all kinds. People use the word "love" to describe many types of feelings. In some other languages, different words are used to describe the different types of love. Love for a mother is a different word from love for a lover is very different from love for a friend. Unlike the section on chartreuse, this is a place where I find being an English speaker to be advantageous. These different types of love are all slightly different shades of green. Distinct but very similar.

I consider green to be a "safe" color. Safe colors are the opposite of warning colors. If a person has primarily green as the color of their aura they are usually a person who will be a good person to get to know. These are not the sorts of people who will betray a friend. If I see any green at all I assume the person has some type of desire to help or heal others. Some people call green the "healer" color, but I have found it to be more of a generic color for loving others more than you love yourself.

Green is also the first of what I call "high energy" colors. What that means is that if you see mostly green in someone's aura you can assume either they already are a magic user, OR they would be very good at it...a natural...if they choose to become one. There are several high energy colors coming up and the first one I've talked about is green.

Types of green:




Blue is a wonderful color. Blue is the color of a guardian spirit. Any person who people describe as "a very protective sort" will undoubtedly have some form of blue in their aura. Some people find Blues overbearing, some find them downright irritating. Honestly, all I can say to this is they always mean well. Sometimes Blues have a tendency toward being overprotective. Just understand that they have your best interest at heart. If you find yourself being warned against something by a blue aura, think twice. It is highly likely they're seeing risks you aren't thinking about. Blues have an almost mystical sense for danger that is unmatched by any other color.

This is another safe color. Blue as a dominant color makes for a wonderful friend. Those of you who enjoy having someone around to guard you (even from yourself) should invest some time in finding some blue aura friends. If your lover has any blue in their aura expect them to be highly protective of you and anyone they consider family or friend. Don't take it as jealousy, it typically isn't. It is just that they care and protectiveness is the way they show it.

Blue is another high energy color. The strongest shields come from those with blue in their aura. I've also found that Blues are remarkably good with defensive counter magic.

Types of blue:

Sky: This is a holy warrior. Maybe they don't do much to show it, but they protect people and it is a religious thing for them. Skies are always spiritual in some way. I've mostly seen this in Christians, but it can happen with any faith. I believe the Christian faith attracts them because of the "protect the world from itself" attitude most Christians foster. Expect them to try to convert you eventually to whatever faith they have (unless it's one that specifically frowns on conversions), simply because they believe faith is the strongest shield and they want you to have as much protection as possible. This is an uncommon color.

Sapphire: This is a melancholy sort of guardian. This can range from a blue that is almost black to a nearly electric neon blue, just like the sapphire gemstone. All Sapphires have a touch of sadness to them. It is as if in their hearts they know they can't protect everyone and it troubles them. The degree of sadness is reflected by the darkness of the color. Near-black Sapphires are horribly moody and withdrawn most of the time whereas the electric neon blue Sapphires usually do not show any melancholy at all except to the very perceptive OR their closest friends and loved ones. This is a moderately common color among magic users, less common among non-magic users.

Cerulean: An intense blue with a hint of green. If you've been reading all the color posts and are fairly good at recognizing patterns you will have guessed this one before you read it. Yes, these are the loving protectors. They protect everyone around them because they love people. They might even be the sort of person who hates people, but they will still love them too. It is possible to love and hate something at the same time. More frequently Cerulean are just the sorts of people who get along with everyone because they can always find something to like about someone. More common than Sapphire or Sky but less common than...

Bluebird: These are your basic blue, like the color of a bluebird or bluejay. Bluebirds take people under their proverbial wing as a matter of habit. It won't take long when you get to know one of these for them to start acting overprotective of you. It's in their nature, don't be offended it means they like you. They can typically be found butting their beaks into other people's business, mostly to try and make sure they aren't getting themselves into trouble. Many mothers develop at least a touch of this color after they have their children. The very nosy ones have more than a touch. Not all Bluebirds will develop the nosy overprotective trait, but they all have a high worrywart type of attitude about life. You won't find many thrill seekers with this color UNLESS there is a large amount of one of the more volatile reds in THE SAME saturation also. When this happens, it makes for a very interesting person. Bluebirds color is fairly common.

Navy: This is distinct from a dark Sapphire due to the quality of the blueness. A dark Sapphire will still have vivid color, while a Navy will be somewhat more on the gray scale. Navy is the color of a troubled guardian. This person has usually lost someone or something they were trying to protect. It may not be a person, it might be a concept. It might even be something as elusive as having lost their "innocence" or "trust". Whatever it is they are most likely feeling incomplete without it. They are more common than dark Sapphires but less intense. You won't necessarily pick them out of a crowd, whereas the dark Sapphires tend to be very distinctive.

This is distinct from a dark Sapphire due to the quality of the blueness. A dark Sapphire will still have vivid color, while a Navy will be somewhat more on the gray scale. Navy is the color of a troubled guardian. This person has usually lost someone or something they were trying to protect. It may not be a person, it might be a concept. It might even be something as elusive as having lost their "innocence" or "trust". Whatever it is they are most likely feeling incomplete without it. They are more common than dark Sapphires but less intense. You won't necessarily pick them out of a crowd, whereas the dark Sapphires tend to be very distinctive.



White is a very rare color. White is the color of spirituality. It differs from Violet (the color of mysticism) in that a White aura will almost always be found within or involved with some kind of organized religion. Violets are frequently content to be just a little on the intuitive side, without the application of a higher set of beliefs, Whites are not. When a White aura believes something, they're really fervent about it. It might come across as dogmatic or intense. Sometimes you might be tempted not to take them seriously about it. You should. White auras have a spiritual purity about them that can't be quantified. This does NOT mean they are all Christian (though a good number of them are). I have met a few Satanists with White auras. I have met White auras who are atheists...the tricky part about those is they tend to be very spiritual about their atheism. If you find it hard to understand, you aren't alone. White aura atheists are similar in belief to a man who told me once the reason he was an atheist was because in his opinion it was far more incredible and amazing to think about all this wonderful creation creating itself than to assume it was the doing of a higher being. While I didn't (and still don't) necessarily agree with him, I can't deny that he had a point. That is the kind of attitude you will find with White aura atheists. I will admit, they are terribly rare.

White is usually a safe color. The only exception is in the cases of White paired with a more passionate color like red or orange. In some situations, White can have a catalyst effect on the passionate reds or oranges. These are usually the "fire and brimstone" type, of whatever religion they call themselves. Oh and don't ever assume there aren't any of that sort within Wicca, Buddhism, Shinto, Shamanism, whatever... there are those types within EVERY religion. I have met some VERY dogmatic Wiccans. People are people, good and bad ones exist all places.

Types of white:

Ice: Ice auras tend to be...well kinda cold. They are the spiritual guardian type. Ice can range from nearly perfect White with a touch of Blue all the way to almost a Sky color. Ice auras will tend more toward the spiritual or more toward the protective depending on whether their color is more White or Blue. I've even seen this color with a touch of Green mixed in. If you've been following my posts you'll know that means their a more loving sort of spiritual guardian. They stay cold and detached because they feel they can't do their duty if they allow others to get close.

Cream: Cream auras are those who are spiritual who have not found their way. This is a warm white with a touch of yellow-brown color to it. Creams typically aren't happy with the spirituality they are involved with, but they can't break away due to their overactive sense of loyalty. They probably feel a bit guilty for the feelings of inadequacy. They also probably feel like it's their own fault for not applying themselves to their faith well enough. I've noticed this color tends to metamorph into a purer Ivory or Snow color if they find what they're looking for.



Remember as you read these that most people have anywhere from 3-9 distinct colors in their aura. A few have less, a very few have more. If I am talking about a person with an aura of a certain color, what I mean is that it is a dominant color. Quite often people will have more than one dominant color. It is a tricky art which is why I believe it deserves more information in our forums. I will start with red, work my way around the normal rainbow, then go into colors found in auras that are not part of the rainbow such as pink, black, white and silver.

Some overall information about all red auras first. Red is the color of passion. A red aura means that a person will succumb to passionate urges more often than not. This is both passionate love and passionate hate. You will always be either loved/hated by this person or you will be ignored, there is rarely a middle ground of cool civility. Red itself is fairly rare in auras, but it seems to be getting more common. I see more red auras now than I did when I was learning to see auras back in the early nineties.

I consider red to be a warning color in an aura. It does not necessarily mean bad things about the person, but too much red usually indicates a personality volatile enough to make me want to avoid that individual for more than casual interaction. I certainly try not to get on the bad side of anyone with any red.

Types of red:

Brick: This is the color of someone who angers slowly. The temper is there but it smolders quiet and unseen. A Brick aura will rarely show their temper, but Heaven helps you when they do. The red passion boils out with a greater force for Brick, probably because it is so heavily suppressed. Brick also suggests a quiet brooding personality. They are typically also very thoughtful and insightful, this is an interesting color and it isn't very common.

Blood: This person will consume you with their passions and it can be a lot of fun. It can also be a carnival ride from Hell. Usually, Bloods will find themselves drawn toward addictive behavior because of their desire to see their passions fulfilled to the extreme. More common than Brick, but still not a common color. Moody and extreme, My opinion of Blood vary a lot depending on how they manage their own passions.

Carmine: This is the color of a gorgeous red car or a cherry pie. This is a more fun-loving passion. There is still a tendency toward irritability, especially if things aren't fun enough. This is one of the more common colors of red. Carmines won't bite your head off, much. They are more snippy than aggressive. Passive aggressive often have Carmine in their auras. I still like this color when I see it despite this because there isn't really a color that knows how to party quite as well as the Carmines.

Flame: This is a highly emotional passion. Flames tend to be artistic, expressive people. They also tend to be a little selfish. They are so absorbed in their own emotions they don't often think of other people. They usually use their passions to express themselves well. Often speaking with these people is an exhausting yet invigorating experience. I like this color, but only in small amounts. Large quantities of Flame tend to make a person highly unreasonable and grouchy. This is another of the more common reds.



Orange is the color of emotion. It is more thoughtful and less primal than red. Still a very visceral color, orange tends to reflect people whose emotions rule their lives. When interacting with an orange aura, try to remember this person does not think rationally most of the time. This is a person who acts on instinct more often than not, going with what feels right rather than what might be more intelligent. This is not to say that orange auras cannot be intelligent people, they just tend toward being

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