There are too many people who display pure ignorance by acting as if they know what Wicca is. When, in fact, they don't have the first clue. A lot of people who aren't Wicca listen to the words of other ignorant people's mouth's and think that Wicca is a bad, horrid religion: When in fact, it is not.
Wicca is a Neo-Pagan religion that honors and worships nature. Yep, it's an earth-based religion. Wicca also focuses around the honoring and worshiping of the Gods and Goddesses, though some Wiccans focus on just one God ( The Horned God) and the Goddess( Lady Goddess, the Horned Gods consort). Wicca also celebrates the phases of the Moon and the 8 Sabbats ( holidays). Wicca follows the Wiccan Rede and the Three-Fold Law.
So, what Wicca is, is a religion that focuses on nature, the Gods and Goddesses, Earth, the Sabbats, The Wiccan Rede and the Three-Fold Law. It is a peaceful, harmonious religion that is full of hope, love and faith. Wicca is not a cult. It is not Satanic. It does not worship or speak of Satan (that is a Christian creation). Wicca does not sacrifice animals or humans. As far as I am concerned, Satanists have no business being here on a site that teaches and talks about Wicca/Paganism. Please troll somewhere else and not here. Okay. Thanks.