Healing a Broken Heart

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SpellsBeauty  ► Attractive  ► Healing a Broken Heart
This spell can be used if you're stressed. Have a lot of negativity in you're life, or to mend a broken heart.

Casting Instructions for 'Healing a Broken Heart'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Bath
  • Lavender
  • Thyme
  • Egg
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Bath
  • Lavender
  • Thyme
  • Egg

Sit down in a quiet place,take the egg in you're left hand. Allow you're self to be thinking about all you are feeling. Feel all you're negative feelings,Stress, Greif, Loneliness and frustration to come to the surface. Do not fight you're feelings, let it all out. Cry if you need to. Don't be ashamed if you do, it's natural and every one needs to time to time.

While feeling all of you're feelings, take the egg and gently roll it over you're body,face and head. Imagine the egg soaking up all you're feelings of greif and negativity and stress. Projecting all you're feelings into the egg. When you feel like the egg has sucked up all you're emotions, bury it out side. (not close to you're house)Now all you're emotions are being absorbed by mother nature.

When you return take a nice warm bath with lavender and thyme and you will feel like a new person, 100 percent better.


Added to on Dec 27, 2015
Last edited on Mar 06, 2018
Part of the Second Sight Library.


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Good spell. Just be sure to get rid of the egg, it has absorbed your negative energy [i know it says that, but I want to underline that, the belief is consume the egg and you'll consume the energy again]

May 05, 2024
I usually crack the egg in a glass of water and place, salt, black salt, and gopher dust on top so the negative energy stays there and then flush it

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