Electro Ball

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SpellsTrick  ► Telekinetic  ► Electro Ball
Creates an ball of electricity.

Casting Instructions for 'Electro Ball'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • nothing
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • nothing
How To Do Electrokinesis
Put one finger out, like you are pointing at someone. Move Ki to your finger and fill it. Now visualize electricity crackling around your finger. Hear it going 'snap'. After a few week's practice you might start to feel the electricity jumping from place to place. And if you get good enough you will be able to shock people, literally!


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What is a KI

Jun 13, 2021
It's the Japanese version of chi or magick energy. You're moving the energy around your body to focus it in one spot. That said, while you can feel the energy, you can't use it to physically harm people [you can use it for energy healing or push energy into someone, but you can't create balls of electricity. Magick energy is different]

You cannot use magik to shock people. This can be a useful energy practice, but it will not create an ''electro ball'' to shock your friends.

May 22, 2024
Wouldn’t one be able to manifest a large amount of energy and use it to create a shock?

May 23, 2024
Not with this kind of energy. Electric current is the result of electrons moving from one atom to a nearby atom. When you shock someone with static electricity for example, you have an excess of electrons and your body is considered negatively charged. When you touch something or someone else with a positive charge, those extra electrons jump from you to the person or thing. When you build up ki/chi, you're not building up an excess of electrons. It's a different kind of energy and it doesn't behave like electricity.

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