To Rid Yourself of a Problem

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SpellsSpiritual  ► Banishing  ► To Rid Yourself of a Problem
This spell is so simple to do that it has to work. It is best done at the time of the Waning Moon, and makes use of the Elements to symbolize completion.

Casting Instructions for 'To Rid Yourself of a Problem'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • An old shoe (usually the right one)
  • Pen
  • A fire
  • Natural running water or the sea
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • An old shoe (usually the right one)
  • Pen
  • A fire
  • Natural running water or the sea

Write your problem on the sole of the shoe. Put the shoe on and stamp three times. As you do so, say: "Begone, troublesome times"

Either, throw the shoe into the fire and ensure that it burns properly. Or; Throw the shoe into the stream of water and watch it disappear. Or; Throw the shoe into the sea and walk away. As any of these happen, visualize the problem getting less and less until it disappears.

Often during this time inspiration may come to you as to how you can deal with the difficulty. The reason that you use the right shoe is because this is considered the more positive and assertive side of the body, which is normally the one needed. However, if it feels more natural to use the left shoe the result will usually be more passive and non- confrontational.


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Last edited on Sep 26, 2016
Part of the The Immortal's Keep Library.


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This requires an edit. How does tossing or burning your shoe solve a problem? You can add to this and transform it into a spell, but as outlined, this does not work. I would write your troubles on a piece of paper, fold it away from you then destroy it. You could burn it, bury it off your property, or toss it into a moving stream of water. Be sure to take the long way home and do not look back. Otherwise, the energy can follow you home. Once home, cleanse and protect to keep it away. If you wish for a solution, meditate with a yellow candle.

Jun 08, 2024
@Tadashi Looks like you're not a witch or wizard and simply cannot perform magick not even have faith in the Art

@Tadashi Looks like you're not a witch or wizard and simply cannot perform magick not even have faith in the Art.

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