How do you worship?

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How do you worship?
By: / Beginner
Post # 1
I am making this forum asking how other people believe and worship in their deities. I know through christianity I fully believe that my God exists, I pray to him, talk to him randomly, etc etc.

I was wondering how other people treat their gods? Such as the hindu, greeks, etc.

Also what if a person wanted to make their own gods do people believe that the greek/norse/etc religions were made by people or did these gods make their people?

This isn't challenging one religion against another I honestly am curious about paganism and want to know how people worship in different ways.
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Re: How do you worship?
By: / Novice
Post # 2

Personally, I don't "worship". To worship means that there is a separation between you and something else, and that you have to appeal to, or pay homage to, something that is "higher" than yourself. Some people are content to do this, and I do not fault them in any way. That being said, we are all connected, from the tiniest micro-organism to the furthest star. Everything that exists is one life energy, just as the trillions of individual cells that make you up are all part of one thing. This physical reality is the physical manifestation of a higher, spiritual force, the Unmanifest. The Manifest and Unmanifest are simply two sides of the same being, which in truth is beyond anything we can comprehend.

The work of magic and spiritual development, as I have been taught and as I understand it, is not to pay homage to something beyond ourselves, but to understand what we are, to recognize the spiritual forces that form creation and to know how to work in harmony with that to better creation. I believe that the use of gods, or godforms as our tradition teaches, is not to worship but to identify a particular aspect of that spiritual force, the Unmanifest beyond and within the Manifest, and work with it. Being able to understand how we are connected, how we are a part of that divine force and how it is a part of us, is the real purpose behind magic and spiritual development.

"There is no part of me that is not of the gods" is a very accurate statement.

As always, just my opinion.

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Re: How do you worship?
By: / Beginner
Post # 3

Interesting I've heard of similar ideas

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