I need a teacher pls.

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I need a teacher pls.
Post # 1
i want to learn more about astral project if anyone could help me i am also relatively new so i also want to learn energy manipulation better
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Re: I need a teacher pls.
By: / Novice
Post # 2

I recommend checking out the Astral Projection sub-forumas well as different YouTube videos under the "Videos" tab. You should also check out the pinned threads in the General Info sub-forum for energy manipulation.

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Re: I need a teacher pls.
By: Moderator / Adept
Post # 3
This thread has been moved to Advertisements from Misc Topics.
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Re: I need a teacher pls.
Post # 4
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Re: I need a teacher pls.
By: / Novice
Post # 5
All good places to start indeed. Though perhaps there a few tips I might add to narrow down your searching a little;

First, Energy-working and astral travel begin in much the same place- one shared with many other spiritual practices as well. Namely meditation. It is one of those 'roots of the practice' activities that helps you learn to pay conscious attention to yourself and your goals. The state of relaxation and focus it brings is also the basic starting point for any inward or outward journey, so meditation in one form or another is usually baked-in with any practice.

One of the most common astral-projection methods is referred to as the 'rope climb'. The premise is exactly what the name suggests, you visualize (through meditation) a process of pulling yourself out of your body by climbing a rope.

Another version is a float-out technique, where you imagine your energetic/immaterial Self as light and buoyant, floating just above your physical body.

And, there is also a 'roll out' version where you, well, literally roll over out of yourself.

It would be worth learning about all three of these techniques, and trying each of them. The technique that works best for you can be individual so try out each one. Perhaps even form a combination of steps from each.
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Re: I need a teacher pls.
By: / Knowledgeable
Post # 6
Very good reply, meditation is the key but remember to ground yourself after and drink water
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Re: I need a teacher pls.
By: / Novice
Post # 7
Indeed a fair point. After any session is concluded it is a good idea to do a few simple, physical tasks. Like having a small glass of water and a short walk. Or a couple menial tasks at home like some cleaning. Sweep or vacuum a room. Clean a few dishes. Put away some laundry or throw a load into the washing machine.
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Re: I need a teacher pls.
Post # 8
If there are things you will love to know I will gladly help. Blessed be
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